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Somerset eye clinic patients benefit from two new £120k state-of-the-art retinal cameras
Patients attending eye clinics at Yeovil and Musgrove Park hospitals are benefiting from two new state-of-the-art retinal cameras which image at least four times as much of the retina (back of the eye) in contrast to the previous camera.
Taunton macular service improves patient care
Consultant ophthalmologist at Musgrove Hospital, Shantanu Gudsoorkar, explained that prior to the improvements, due to the greater elderly population in Somerset, the service struggled with its increasing demand, which resulted in a long waiting list, and delayed diagnosis and follow-up.
New technology improves eye services in Taunton
Shantanu Gudsoorkar, consultant ophthalmologist at Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton & Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, said: 'We are thrilled to already be reaping the benefits from the introduction of our new imaging system and new patient pathways using virtual clinics. These improvements are ensuring that more patients are being seen in a timely manner and also reducing the need for out of area referrals.'
State-of-the-art technology offers improved care for patients in Taunton
In response to pressures on hospital eye service capacity, the ophthalmology team at Musgrove Park Hospital, part of Taunton & Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, has successfully implemented service improvements, which allow more patients to be seen and treated within recommended timelines. The redesign of the Macular Service was supported through a joint working project involving Bayer and Taunton & Somerset NHS Foundation Trust.
Eye clinic patients benefit from state-of-the-art cameras
Mr Shantanu Gudsoorkar, the consultant ophthalmic surgeon who is leading the project at Musgrove Park Hospital, said: "The Optos California and three new retinal scanners, provided by the hospital, have been vital in helping us to set up virtual retinal imaging clinics where we can capture high quality retinal images and scans, which our consultants review within a few days."